Reading time : 7min


Project goals

By seamlessly integrating mobile phones and smart refrigerators, Diet aims to reduce food waste, optimize grocery shopping, and save money. Our goal is to revolutionize the way families approach meal planning, cooking, and consumption, fostering sustainability, convenience, and financial efficiency in their daily lives.

Project overviews

Diet is more than just a mobile application; it's a revolutionary concept that seamlessly integrates with both mobile phones and smart refrigerators, offering a holistic approach to transforming the culinary landscape at home. Designed with the modern family in mind, Diet harnesses the power of technology to empower users to make informed decisions about their meals, reduce their environmental footprint, and optimize their shopping routines.

general infos
10 weeks, 2022 Spring
UX and UI Designer, Researcher

3 Teammates


Problem finding

Primary Research

Secondary Research

Data Analysis


Visual Design

User Testing


In the realm of modern family life, the challenges of managing home-cooked meals have grown more complex. Young families, in particular, grapple with the daunting issues of food waste, inefficient grocery shopping, tight budgets, and environmental impact. The absence of an organized system often leads to expired ingredients, unnecessary expenses, and an unsustainable cycle of waste. As time becomes scarcer, the struggle to balance nutrition, variety, and convenience further compounds these difficulties.

Target User

Parents and caregivers, busy professionals, budget-conscious consumers, eco-conscious Individuals


Our secondary research unveiled a pressing issue: food waste in the US is alarmingly high, with about 40% of produced food going to waste, equivalent to a staggering 133 billion pounds annually. Families unknowingly contribute significantly. To delve deeper into this problem, we initiated primary research, employing a comprehensive methodology encompassing observational studies, one-on-one interviews, and structured questionnaires. Employing the Affinity diagram technique, we meticulously organized and evaluated the amassed data. This led to an Empathy Map and Personas that reveal user needs and behaviors. These insights are the bedrock of "Diet," our solution to tackle food waste.


After brainstorming, we chose to develop an interactive system linking smart fridges and mobile phones. We performed Competitive Analysis and created a Sitemap, Sketches, Wireframes, and Paper Prototypes for various OS on phones and fridges. This rigorous process ensures "Diet" will efficiently tackle food waste, optimize shopping, and revolutionize meal management.


The Diet intelligent interactive system offers a range of valuable features. It aids users in efficiently managing refrigerator ingredients by sending expiration reminders and suggesting recipes. Moreover, the system facilitates online ingredient purchases and generates shopping lists. Additionally, users can access and manage their health data through this versatile platform.

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And make something big !