Reading time : 6min


Project goals

The goal of HIKIT is to provide a comprehensive emergency response solution for people who may find themselves in situations where they are injured while doing outdoor activities and lack professional medical care.

Project overviews

By combining an easy-to-use mobile app with smart medicine boxes and automated emergency contact and communication features, HIKIT aims to help people quickly diagnose their wounds, receive emergency medical support, and contact rescue teams and nearby companions to ensure a timely and effective response。

general infos
5 weeks, 2021 Fall
Project Manager, UX and UI Designer, Researcher

3 Teammates


Problem finding

Primary Research

Secondary Research

Data Analysis


Visual Design

3D Modeling



When inexperienced people venture out into the wild, they may be unprepared to deal with unexpected injuries or medical emergencies that may arise. In such situations, they may lack the necessary skills or knowledge to provide proper medical care, leading to further complications and potentially life-threatening situations.

Target User

Outdoor Sports Enthusiast, Junior climber, Camping enthusiast


Through primary and secondary research, we have found that the majority of people's injuries in the wild occur in the lower extremities, and without proper medical care or supplies, even minor injuries can quickly escalate into serious medical emergencies. This is especially true in remote or wilderness settings where access to specialized medical care may be limited or unavailable. People who are coerced may feel helpless and may not know what to do, increasing their risk of injury or even death.


We want to help injured people quickly diagnose their wounds and implement emergency rescue functions through the innovation of mobile APP. At the same time, we also want to add a matching emergency medicine kit, which can cooperate with the APP to enable users to treat wounds quickly and correctly.


The HIKIT app and smart medicine boxes are designed to address this problem by providing inexperienced individuals with the necessary tools, guidance, and medical supplies to deal with wounds and medical emergencies in the wild. By providing access to essential medical supplies and enabling communication with emergency For responders and nearby contacts, HIKIT can help prevent potentially life-threatening situations and improve outcomes for those who are injured or in need of medical attention in remote locations.

Let's work 
together !
And make something big !